Free Printable Easter Posters for Palm Sunday -John 12:13

Jesus is King! Remember preparing branches and reenacting the parade as a kid on Palm Sunday? Everyone was shouting and singing, “Hosanna to the Highest, Hosanna to the King!” We have learned this verse as a song even before we ever found it in the Bible –
They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the king of Israel!” John 12:13 NIV
Then, I understood much later as a grownup, that God’s kingdom is not really about a king and a palace. It is about what Jesus taught us in the Lord’s prayer: God’s will being done on earth as it is in heaven.
More recently, Palm Sunday makes me think of the unridden colt that carried Jesus on the parade. The unridden colt meant to me as carrying the name of Jesus in a way that has never been done before, so more people can know about Him and have a relationship with Him.
May this Holy Week be also a special time for us to honor in our lives and in our hearts, the one true king – Jesus.
Free printables for Palm Sunday
Use this poster for your homeschool activities, Sunday school lessons, memorizing the Bible verse, or simply decorating your home as you ponder on the meaningful events of the Lent season. You can also use them as a notebook cover for your special Holy Week journal and share as a gift to your friends and family. Write personal scriptures and notes on the blank pages too.
This is also part of a series inspired by Bible verses we have learned through a children’s song.
If you are looking for more Bible verse posters, be sure to check out the following freebies from our other websites:
Holy Week Bible verses at PrintablesAndInspirations
Happy Easter bunting banners at CuteFreebies
John 12:13 Holy Week printable poster
Take a quick look at the John 12:13 Printable Palm Sunday Poster for Easter Week. You can see some movements in the leaves like when one is waving a palm branch.
TO PRINT A CLEAR COPY – Download the PDF file and print on US Letter size paper.
For personal use only. You may share the link to this blog post to your family and friends so they can also enjoy these beautiful Easter posters.

You might also like our Easter coloring pages and The Lord’s Prayer posters!

Download your free printable Easter posters
And remember to share this post on Pinterest! Hit Save on the image below. Thanks for sharing and happy Easter!

More Easter printables
Welcome to SHAREALIFEVERSE.COM! I am Mae and this is my third blog and it’s all about inspiring Bible verses and printables. I have shared several Bible verses at my first blog PrintablesAndInspirations. God’s Word is important to me so I started this blog to create a place where I can share more about my Bible reflections and inspiring printables. I have also asked my sister to share her designs and inspirations here. We have both grown up knowing and loving Jesus as kids. Thanks for being here and I hope you accompany us in this journey as we all continue in our walk with God.